Corporate Partner Welcome

 Welcome To The Highest Form
Of Membership For 
PowerfulBusinesses Like Yours.

No more reacting to calendar at random times during the year. Take full control with this proactive approach. Essentially, our pre-strategy assessment will help us match the kind of events and activities with what you find most valuable for your operation. Once completed, our team will develop a customized schedule for the year along with the allocation amounts assigned. Click below to get started.

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Enter Your First Name

Enter Your Last Name

What is the name of your business/organization?

Which Corporate Partner Level Did You Enroll At With The Chamber?

How can we best maximize your time, resources, and efforts over the next 12 months to bring value?

Are there any important events, initiatives, or activities your company is planning that we should know about? Please share as much detail as possible.

Take A Look At Our Activity Categories Listed Above. Select all that your team would be most interested allocating your pre-marketing budget & time towards.

Annual Events
Morning Networking Events
Lunch N' Learns
After Hours Networking
Award Ceremonies
Media Coverage
Signature Events
Print & Promotion
Social Media Visibility
Website Advertising
Directory & Database
Committee Engagement

From all of the categories selected above, which 2 are your highest priorities of value to your company? Why? This will help in developing your pre-marketing strategy profile.

From the events and activities selected, which best describes the way you would prefer to participate? Select all that apply.

As a Title or Leading Sponsor
Leadership: In-Person As A Vendor At Events
Staff: In-Person As A Vendor At Events
Leadership: Spotlight Speaking To Audience About Company Overview
Recurring: Looking For Consistent Visibility & Involvement
Inception: Love To Get Involved With Initiatives At The Grass Root Level

Through our partnership with The Business Therapy Firm, they have provided you with a complimentary 1hr business strategy session to provide a comprehensive plan for your time and investment with the chamber. Select the best date to sit down with their team.

Use Promo Listed In Voucher: To Activate Visit

Select 3 of the most convenient time slots you are available to meet with The Business Therapy Firm for your 1hr session.
